

時間:2019.06.19(三)- 07.07(日)10:00 – 18:00
地點:幻猻家珈琲 Pallas Café  台北市大同區迪化街一段14巷14號
Falsification - A solo exhibition by Hsu, Shang-Yuan
Date:2019.06.19 (Wed.) – 07.07(Sun.)  10:00 - 18:00
(Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays )
Venue:幻猻家珈琲 Pallas Café 
No. 14, Ln. 14, Sec. 1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Last generation, paying certain efforts could exchange for result of equal value. Nowadays, it seems no longer paying certain efforts to get result of equal value, because of the technology progress rapidly. If there is no idea about paying efforts, then paying efforts becomes unnecessary. To get the result immediately, paying efforts turns out a tool superficially. Instrumentalizing paying efforts would be too weak to load for the sense of achievement. Therefore, the sense of us is whether to collapse.
Art is not for solving such problem. It does not mean that art is not working and not practical. Art is working for people, including artist my own. Hence, being this generation of temptation from paying efforts superficially, my paying efforts is to pause the steps by art and works. This pausing is to notice the surroundings which used to so far, and to understand another side of engaging in those familiar surroundings. Moreover, the pausing is also to feel the moment for unsayable, then to recall our sense by doubt. Wish whom is seeing my works could be in the moment of tranquility and have a good break.
This exhibition, “Falsification”, came from my insomnia. It reminded me a friend, whose nickname’s 小明。小明 was always the most popular name on math test. Therefore, I picked up some of 小明 on math test from testing resource website, and made a paper of them. According to this math test paper and my friend 小明, I painted few questionable connection between them to create pausing doubt from the relationship of X and unknown in math formula.